Our Governors

Our Governors
Mr Andrew Stott:  Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)
Mrs Natasha Aly: Vice Chair (Parent Governor)
Mr Matthew Strevens: Staff Governor/ Headteacher
Mrs Emma Cape: Staff Governor
Mr Alan Davies: Co-opted
Mr Victor Peake: Co-opted
Clerk to the Governors
Mr Geoff Swallow

Personnel: Mr Strevens (advisory), Mr Stott, Mrs Aly

Personnel Appeals: Mr Peake Mrs Aly

Performance Management: Mrs Aly, Mr Stott 

Premises: Mr Strevens, Mrs Cape, Mr Peake

Pupil Discipline: Mr Peake, Mr Stott

Data Monitoring & Curriculum: Mrs Cape, Mr Stott, Vacancy



Posts of responsibility require governor visits (with the exception of whistleblowing)

Safeguarding: Mrs Aly

SEND & Pupil Premium: Mr Peake, Mr Stott

Early Years: Vacancy

Literacy: Mr Davis

Numeracy: Mrs Aly

ICT: Mr Stott

Health & Safety: Mr Peake

Attendance: Mrs Aly

Sport Premium: Mrs Aly

Whistleblowing: Mr Davis